Monday, February 6, 2012

The Touch

Never underestimate the power of just being there for someone. Sometimes, growing into adulthood is tough, and all you want is for your mother to come chase the monsters from under the bed away and tell you that everything is going to be ok. At other times you just yearn for that friend(s) who live just beyond your visiting reach.
When someone is going through tough times, the power of the touch is indescribable. This doesn't necessarily have to be a physical touch, but more of a spiritual one. No words need be said, nor even physical contact be made, but to merely be there for someone in need is full of healing power. That is what we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, are all about.
Merely sending a thoughtful gift, taking the time to write a note or letter, showing up with a friendly smile, making a phone call, or devotedly praying can make a difference. All of these are ways to spread the love of Christ, which is much needed by us all.
We are a community. God's love lives in all of us. His gift of redemption binds us all on a journey together. We all travel the same path, and along the way, we will find those who have stumbled or even fallen or are just to tired to carry on. As the body of Christ, together, we can lift the lost ones up and help them regain their footing. For Christ died for us all and has touched all of our hearts. As His children, we should continue to touch the hearts of our brothers and sisters.

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