Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fear Not

Sometimes looking ahead at the life that looms before us, can be an incredibly daunting experience, if not a fearful one. Looking ahead means staring into the great unknown where, no matter the planning, nothing is set in stone. Seeing the unknown life spread before us, reminds us of our insignificance, not to mention our utter helplessness. Tomorrow you could meet the love of your life, or you could lose him/her. Next week, all the comforts of this world can be consumed in a fire. A year from now, who can say whether or not you will still have a job, a home, a family, or even a life. Lying before us is a great and terrifying unknown.
Yet no matter the future pain that may await us in the great unknown. There is one known fact given to us by the One who knows all. We are never alone. "Surely, I am with you always." Matthew 28:20 From the lips of the Son, we are given reassurance that no matter the pain, no matter the heartache, no matter the suffering, He will be with us, always.
Do not fear the unknown, for the Creator of the unknown is with us. Fear not the unseen frustration and heartache, for we are not alone. We have the all powerful Maker on our side. He is leading us through this life. We must cling to our Father, the great and powerful I Am, and in His all-encompassing love, we are safe. You are His child, and He will protect you and love you.
Life will not be easy, no. It will be fraught with suffering. Suffering that our Creator sent His only begotten Son to experience. But because of that Son, we can survive. We can live and worship and glorify Him in all things because He lives in us. And there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that God cannot do. Fear not! We are not alone!

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