What does it mean to truly believe in the God of all creation? What does it look like if we believe?
I truly believe that a follower of Christ can be spotted from across a room. When we follow Christ with our whole hearts, minds, and souls, we don't look like everyone else anymore. Because, when we follow Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in us. This is the Holy Spirit that healed the sick, cast out demons, and yes, even conquered death. Do we honestly think that if that Spirit lives in our very hearts and souls that we won't stand apart?
I tell you, Jesus wants us to stand apart. He wants us to drop everything of this world and follow Him. The comforts of this life mean nothing when compared to His overwhelming presence. If we truly believe in Him, then we are transformed. The things of this world will no longer matter and every fiber of our being will want to worship Him all the days of this life and the next.
It is a hard truth to understand. Jesus told us to take up the cross, forsaking this world, in order to live in the next. If we truly and honestly believe, we will be on fire for Christ. Our souls will leap with the chance to spread His holy Message. Our hearts will rejoice in His Word. Our minds will reel with the Truth of His existence.
Lay down the woes of this world, they mean nothing. Worry not about relationships, money, food, water, comfort. But lay down your life for Him. Let His Spirit live in you. Do not be ashamed when you look in the mirror, but rather rejoice. Rejoice when you look at yourself and see Him. Forsake all others and follow Him.
I can beg you, I can plead with you, I can scream it from the highest mountains...but I cannot make you believe. I cannot force His love upon you. I can only tell you that it is the single most wonderful thing this world will ever know. It cures diseases of the heart. It heals hurt. It forgives all sin. It restores life.
If we believe, and I mean truly believe, we will no longer be of this world. For the Holy Spirit will live in us, and with that Spirit...we can move mountains. God gave us a choice. A choice to follow Him and forsake this world, or a choice to live of this world and perish in the next.
Ask yourself on this Easter day when Christ rose again, do you really think that money, power, fame, sex, drugs, and any other evil of this world can compare to the God of the Universe?
I certainly don't.
I choose to lay down my life to follow Him. Will you?
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