We can spend our entire lives pouring over the pages of Bible and listening to theologians speculate on the intricate meanings of the original texts, but at the end of the day, our brains can't even begin to comprehend the majesty and glory of the Lord.
He is an incomprehensible, indescribable, Beginning and End. Just attempting to understand His person is enough to confound us for a thousand lifespans. And that's okay. The fact that He is beyond our wildest thoughts only makes Him that much more glorious.
This blog is merely an attempt to sift through various aspects of what it means to be a Christian. As Christians, we have the Creator of the universe on our side, which is fantastic. At the same time, our hearts are changed. We are a different people because the Holy Spirit resides within our very souls. This means we are called to a higher standard of living.
Our job is to follow in His footsteps as best we can. We are to yearn for Him, live for Him, worship Him, glorify Him, spread His love, spread His word, and to be as Christ-like as our imperfect, sinful, mortal being will allow.
This is what this blog is all about. It's an attempt to sort through the difficulties and pain we feel as Christians. It seeks to comfort those in need, and to lift us back onto the righteous path He has set before us.
Believing in Jesus Christ transforms us from the plain catepillar into one of His butterflies. We are not the same anymore. He lives within us now. And with His love, we can now fly.
Come fellowship with me. Though I know not who you are, nor you life's story, I do know that Christ died for you same as He died for me. And that's all I need to know.
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